Vacancies Announcement in Public Sector Organization, Peshawar KPK (Nov-2023)
Public Sector Organization invites applications for multiple vacant posts in Peshawar, KPK (Nov-2023)
Public Sector Organization Peshawar, Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa KPK Pakistan invites applications from eligible candidates for the post of livestock officer, agriculture officer, sub engineer civil and meal officer as per advertisement of November 3, 2023 published in daily Mashriq Newspaper. Candidates with, DAE, Bachelor, Others, B.E and Master etc. educational background will be preferred.

Faculty Title:
- Meal Officer
- Agriculture Officer
- Livestock Officer
- Sub Engineer (Civil)
- We offer prestigious working environment and competitive salary to the right candidate.
- We are equal opportunity employer and female candidates are encouraged to apply.
- Candidates are requested to post following documents; (1) Covering Letter (2) Updated CV (3) Domicile.
Last Date:
November 15, 2023
How to Apply:
The documents should be received to:
PO Box-945, Post mall, University PO, Peshawar 25120