Situations Vacant in Punjab Tianjin University Of Technology, Lahore (Nov-2023)
Punjab Tianjin University Of Technology invites application for multiple vacant situations in Lahore (Nov-2023)
The Punjab Tianjin University of Technology Lahore is a Public Sector University established under the Act-X1 of 2018 passed by the Punjab Assembly. The applications are invited from suitable candidates on Regular/Contract Basis for appointment against the following posts from the candidates having domicile of Punjab Province except the appointment TTS.

Faculty Titles:
- Professor (TTS BPS-21) (No. of Post-02) (Age: 30-50)
- Associate Professor (TTS BPS-20) (No. of Post-01) (Age: 30-50)
- Assistant Professor (TTS) (No. of Post-02) (Age: 25-45)
- Chief Laboratory Instructor (BPS-19) (No. of Post-02) (Age: 25-45)
- Lecturer (BPS-18) (No. of Post-08) (Age: 21-35)
- Sr. Lab Instructor (BPS-18) (No of Post-06) (Age: 25-45)
- Lab Instructor/Lab Engineer/Lab Technologist (No. of Post-06) (Age: 21-35) (BPS-17)
- Deputy Director Academies (BPS-18) (No. of Post-01) (Age: 25-45)
- Deputy Director (Information Technology Services) (BPS-18) (No. of Post-01) (Age: 25-45)
- Deputy Director (Quality Enhancement Cell) (BPS-18) (No. of Post-01) (Age: 25-45)
- Assistant Controller of Examination (BPS-17) (No. of Posts-01) (Age: 21-35)
- Assistant Director (BPS-17) (No. of Post-01) (Age: 21-35)
- Assistant Engineer Civil (BPS-17) (No. of Post-01) (Age: 21-35)
- Medical Officer (BPS-17) (No. of Post-01) (Age 21-35)
- Computer Operator (BPS-15) (No. of Post-04) (Age: 18-30)
- Lab Supervisor (BPS-13) (No. of Post-03) (Age: 18-30)
- Sab Engineer (BPS-14) (No. of Post-01) (Age: I8-30)
- Driver (BPS-04) (No. of Post-03) (Age: 18-30)
Last Date:
December 01, 2023
How to Apply:
Details of the Posts, eligibility criteria and relevant information are available at