Situations Vacant in Federal Tax Ombudsman Secretariat Islamabad (Nov-2023)
Federal Tax Ombudsman Secretariat seeking employees for multiple posts in various cities (Nov-2023)
Online applications are invited from qualified/competent candidates for hiring of their services on purely temporary and need basis under Section-20 of the Establishment of the office of Federal Tax Ombudsman Ordinance 2000.

Faculty Title:
- Advisor (Age-65) Posted in Different Cities) (06 Positions)
- Assistant Advisor (Age-65) (Karachi) (01 Position)
- Services of candidates shall be hired on purely temporary and need basis for a period of six months, extendable on performance basis.
- Persons, who already applied in pursuant to our previous advertisements, shall apply afresh.
- Number of posts can be increased/decreased, as per requirement.
- Interested candidates meeting the requisite qualification/experience/skills criteria may apply online at Only online applications will be considered.
- The desirous candidates must apply within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.
- Incomplete/not properly applied applications etc. will not be considered.
- All qualified male and female candidates are encouraged to apply for vacancies.
- Only shortlisted candidates shall be called for Test/Interview.
- No TA/DA shall be admissible for appearing in Test/Interview.
Last Date:
November 23, 2023