Punjab Public Service Commission Job in Lahore (Oct-2023)
PPSC looking for the Post of Tehsildar (BPS-16) in Lahore (Oct-2023)
In continuation of the Consolidated Advertisement No. 18/2023 published on 04-10-2023 in “Jang and Dawn” vide Sr. No. 179 Case No. 8RJ/2023 for recruitment to the 14 posts of Tehsildar/Consolidation Officer/Hill Torrent Officer/Reader to Members Board of Revenue (BS-16) on the regular basis in the Punjab Revenue Department, Public Service Commission announces that quotas of 14 posts of Tehsildar (BS-16) have been revised/recalculated by the Revenue Department.

Faculty Title:
Tehsildar/Consolidation Officer/Hill Torrent Officer/Reader (BPS-16) (14 Position)
- Open Merit = 11
- Minority Quota = 01
- Special Person Quota = 02
- Only Special Person Candidates can apply against Case No. 08RJ2023 on or before 15-11-2023
- Special Person Candidates who have already applied for the above post need not to apply again.
- All other conditions of Advertisement will remain unchanged.
Last Date:
November 15, 2023