HIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSION JOBS, “Establishment of Pir Roshan Institute of Progressive Sciences & Technologies, Miranshah” North Waziristan (2023)
Applications are invited from Pakistani Nationals for the following Project-Funded Positions on open merit under the project “Establishment of Pir Roshan Institute of Progressive Sciences & Technologies, Miranshah”, North Waziristan Tribal District on contract basis.

- Site Engineer (Civil) |Project Pay Scale (PPS-7) Rs 157,500/- per month (All Inclusive)(01 Post)|
- Accountant |Project Pay Scale (PPS-6) Rs 105,000/- per month (All Inclusive)(01 Post)|
- Sub-Engineer |Project Pay Scale (PPS-6) Rs 105,000/- per month (All Inclusive)(01 Post)|
- Attendant |Project Pay Scale (PPS-2) Rs 35,000/- per month (All Inclusive)(02 Post)|
- Driver |(Salary equivalent to BPS-05)(01 Post)|
- Security Guards |(Salary equivalent to BPS-01)(02 Post)|
- Applicants are required to apply online on HEC website link:
- No need to send hard copy of C.V. and documents.
- Test/Interview of eligible candidates residing outside Islamabad/Rawalpindi region and vicinity will be conducted via Audio/video conferencing at the nearest possible location of the candidates (Karachi, Lahore, Quetta & Peshawar).
- Application processing fee @ Rs. 600/- for the posts at Sr. 1-3 may be deposited online in HEC’s A/C No. 17427900133401 in Habib Bank Ltd and proof of the receipt may be uploaded on HEC website https://careers.hec.gov.pk.
- Those already in Government Service should apply through proper channel.
- The service as part time, honorary, apprentice and internee (as a part of study) will not be considered/counted as experience.
- HEC reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason as well as to increase/decrease the number of vacancies as per requirement.
- Incomplete/late applications will not be entertained.
Last Date Of submission of Application October 31, 2023
Applicants are required to apply online on HEC website link: