Faculty required in Karnal Sher Khan Cadet College, Swabi KPK (Nov-2023)
Karnal Sher Khan Cadet College invite applications for management posts in Swabi, KPK (Nov-2023)
Applications are invited from competent and energetic candidates to fill the following posts:

Faculty Titles:
- Deputy Director (Finance) (CPS-18)
- Medical Officer (CPS-18)
- Lecturer (CPS-17) (English, Urdu, Chemistry, Physics, biology, Math, Pak Study and Islamiat)
- Lecturer Computer cum IT Incharge (CPS-17)
- Psychologist (CPS-17)
- PS to Principal (CPS-16)
- Candidates shall apply only online at KSKCCS Application Form – Gazetted Officer/Faculty/Staff. Attractive Salary package, EOBI, NBP Pension Scheme for Regular appointments Faculty/Gazetted Officer and married accommodation (three bedrooms semi furnished house) subject to availability.
- Individual with higher qualification and experience shall be incentivized through addition increments.
- Experienced Faculty with age beyond 35 may be afforded age waiver, through the BOG.
- Only short listed Individuals will be called for interview. No TA/DA is admissible; the individuals will come at their own expense.
- Principal reserves the right to reject any application without assigning reasons.
- Only serious applicants should apply for the posts.
Last Date:
November 28, 2023