Career Opportunity in State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan
State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan invites applications for Vacant posts in Islamabad, Pakistan
State Life Insurance Corporation is one of the prestigious organizations of the country. It is effectively and successfully achieving the objective for which it was formed. It has constantly exhibited a handsome growth rate since its inception in 1972. State Life’s Principal Office is located at Karachi whereas service to the policyholders is rendered through Zonal Offices scattered all over the country.
State life offers an opportunity for young and talented personnel with suitable qualification, by introducing Policy Holders Service (PHS)-Trainee Scheme, who will be potential future leaders of State Life.

Faculty Titles:
- PHS-Trainee Officer For (Post Graduate) Monthly Stipend Rs. 70,000 Max. Age Limit- 30 years
- PHS Trainee Officer For (Graduate) Monthly Stipend Rs. 50.000 Max. Age Limit: 30 years
- Application form with prescribed test fee deposit is available on Pakistan Testing Service website ( pay the test fee Rs.810-in any of the country-wide online branches of UBL & HOL Please send, by mail or courier, the haled up application form along with the paid copy of FEE DEPOSIT SLIP (in original) to “Pakistan Testing Service, Head Quarter 3rd Floor, Adeel Plaza, Fazl-e-Haq Road, Blue Area, Islamabad within 15 days, after publication of this advertisement.
- “Applications without attached FEE DEPOSIT SLIP will not be entertained”
- In case of applying for more than one post, separate application & deposit form must be processed. Incomplete applications and those received after the last date shall not be entertained.
- Government Employees may apply through proper channel after getting NOC from parent department. No TA/DA will be provided for test/interview.
- Only short-listed candidates shall be called for test interview.
- Please indicate project name & it’s title on right hand core of the envelope. Deposited amount is Non-Refundable/Non-Transferable.
- For further information and test related queries, please visit the PTS (Pakistan Testing Service) website: or contact 051-111-111-787.
- We are an equal opportunity employer. Female candidates are encourage to apply.
Last Date:
January 22, 2024
How to Apply:
Application form with prescribed test fee deposit is available on Pakistan Testing Service website ( pay the test fee Rs.810-in any of the country-wide online branches of UBL & HOL Please send, by mail or courier, the haled up application form along with the paid copy of FEE DEPOSIT SLIP (in original) to:
“Pakistan Testing Service, Head Quarter 3rd Floor, Adeel Plaza, Fazl-e-Haq Road, Blue Area, Islamabad”