Career Opportunity in Ayub Agriculture Research Institute, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Ayub Agriculture Research Institute invites applications for Research Associate in Faisalabad, Pakistan
Applications on plain paper are invited from Punjab Domicile for the Post of one Research Associate at lum sum pay package of Rs.75000/- (inclusive allowances) under PARB funded Project No.22-258 entitled “Development of climate resilient, high yielding and low Prussic acid sorghum variety under various agro-ecosystems of Punjab, Pakistan” at Fodder Research Sub- Station, AARI, Faisalabad initially for one year extendable on the basis of satisfactory performances till the completion of the project up to 31.08.2026. The candidate must meet the qualification/experience as given below:-

Faculty Title:
Research Associate
Terms & Conditions:
- The position is contractual and upto availability of project budget.
- The station reserves the right to consider any application or fill the post without giving any reason.
- Five years general relaxation in the upper age limit will be granted as per Government of the Punjab S&GAD Circular letter No.SOR-1 (S&GAD)-36/81, dated 04-11-2006.
- The candidate already in Government service should apply through proper channel.
- Incomplete / late submitted application will not be considered. There should be no 3d division in the academic career.
- Only short listed candidates will be called for interview on 24.01.2024. NO TA/DA is admissible for test/interview.
Last Date:
January 16, 2024
How to Apply:
Hard copy of application on plain paper along with the attested copies (One each) of CNIC, domicile, educational testimonials etc. passport size recent photographs must reach to the:
Office of the Senior Scientist (Sorghum), Fodder Research Sub Station, AARI, Faisalabad