Career Opportunities – National Accountability Bureau (NAB) – Islamabad – Pakistan
National Accountability Bureau (NAB), invites applications for multiple vacant posts from all provinces of Pakistan
National Accountability Bureau invites applications from only Pakistani Nationals for hiring of Services of Experts under Section 28(b) of National Accountability Ordinance-1999, for its Headquarters and Regional Offices on monthly fee payment basis for a period of one year (extendable) as per criteria given below:

Faculty Title:
- Junior Expert-2 (Intelligence)
- NAB Rawalpindi (01 Post)
- Assistant Junior Expert-1 (Intelligence)
- NAB (HQ) Islamabad (01 Post)
- NAB Lahore (01 Post)
- NAB Peshawar (KPK) (01 Post)
- NAB Multan (01 Post)
- Assistant Junior Expert-1 (Head Clerk)
- NAB (HQ) Islamabad (01 Post)
- Assistant Junior Expert-2 (Computer)
- NAB (HQ) Islamabad (03 Posts)
- NAB Balochistan (01 Post)
- NAB Sukkur (01 Post)
- NAB Multan (01 Post)
- Assistant Junior Expert-3 (Transport)
- NAB (HQ) Islamabad (02 Posts)
- NAB Balochistan (01 Post)
- NAB Sukkur (01 Post)
- NAB Multan (01 Post)
- Assistant junior Expert-3 (Naib Qasid)
- NAB (HQ) Islamabad (02 Posts)
Last Date:
March 25, 2024
How to Apply:
Applications on given format (without copies of academic/ experience certificates) should reach the undersigned through post / courier at:
Dy. Director (Rect & TCS), NAB Headquarters, Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat, G-5/1, Islamabad
Application Form: